Hello, my name's Mohit Gore.
I have been creating stuff since I was a little kid. I enjoy pushing the boundaries of art forms, experimenting with unorthodox mediums and ideas, and breaking the rules. Yup... I'm one of those dramatic artists. We're weird people, I know (lol)
I am someone who enjoys innovating and expanding pre-existing concepts. I love the idea of collaborative storytelling and worldbuilding, and from a very young age, I immersed myself in fictional worlds.
I believe that creativity - both instinctual and acquired - is the rawest form of humanity, and that everyone should have some ability to create. People should be able to create in their own way.
I could go on and on about myself, but that's going to get very boring very fast. Here is a memoir I wrote that takes you through my entire life, effectively, and explains why I love stars so much. That's going to help you understand me much better, I feel.